- Will TMAC play tomorrow? Rumor said he's sick and would not play along with Deke. 麦迪明天会上场吗?谣传他生病了,他和大叔明天都不会上。
- JVG made TMAC play Defense, we will remember the dallas series where he guarded Dirk, so we know what TMAC is capable of doing, when he is into it. JVG教他如何防守,我们还记得与达拉斯系列赛的时候,当时他防守德克,因此我们知道TM是有这个能力做好防守的,只要他愿意去做。
- Peter can't play tomorrow, he's down with flu. 彼得明天不能参赛了; 他得了流感.
- I'm going to try out for the school play tomorrow! 我明天要去参加学校戏剧的试演。
- The drama club is putting on a play tomorrow night. 明晚戏剧社要上演一出戏。
- Peter can't play tomorrow,he's(gone)down with flu. 彼得明天不能参赛了;他得了流感.
- Can you play tomorrow against Valencia? 明天对阵瓦伦西亚的比赛你能够上场了么?
- I hope they will play tomorrow in Sacramento (they wil go with team on the road) but JVG could give them another free day. 我希望他们会打明天对国王的比赛(他们会和球队一起登上旅程),但是范甘迪也很有可能再让他们休战一场。
- Great game tonight. Tmac played great and contributing! 今晚精彩的比赛,麦迪打得不错,贡献很大!
- Daniele Bonera and Dario Simic will play tomorrow in defence, while in the midfield Clarence Seedorf will also be available. 博内拉和西米奇明天仍然会搭档后防线。中场西多夫也可以用。
- We will not play basketball tomorrow. 我们明天不打篮球。
- Mike: Well, it was supposed to be, but they changed the day. Do you know if the movie will still be playing tomorrow? 嗨,本来是的,但他们改时间了。你知道明天晚上这部电影是不是还在放映?
- Disgusting. Tmac cannot miss at the last minute of the game. Is that some kind of joke Tmac playing on the Rockets? 真恶心,比赛的最后几分钟,麦迪竟然屡投屡进,这是麦迪和火箭开的玩笑吗?
- Nick's playing tomorrow but that's his last game with the team. 尼克明天会参赛,但是这是他最后一次随队比赛了。
- The school football eleven is(are) playing tomorrow. 学校的足球队定于明天出场比赛。
- The school football eleven is[are] playing tomorrow. 学校的足球队定于明天出场比赛。
- Thomas planned to meet with Hardaway last night, and he might play tomorrow night against Cleveland at the Garden or Saturday night at Detroit. 不过托马斯显然对队员们的表现感到不满,他说:“我对教练们和球员们的表现感到心灰意冷。”
- If today is Tuesday, the day after tomorrow will be Thursday. 假如今天是星期二,後天就是星期四。
- They are 3.5 behind, with one to play tomorrow against Minny, which I can see they lose to the playoff struggling twolves. 他们落后我们3.;5场,用一个人明天和森林狼较量,我会看着他们第12次错失季后赛资格。
- The festivity will be held tomorrow. 欢宴定于明日举行。